Freethought Festival 2 hosted by the Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics at the University of Wisconsin – Madison
March 8–10 in Madison, WI
Presentation on “The Student Movement: Past, Present, and Future.”
American Atheists National Convention
March 28–31 in Austin, TX
Tabled for the Center for Inquiry (CFI) and African Americans for Humanism.
Women in Secularism 2 Conference
May 17–19 in Washington, DC
Two panels: “What the Secular Movement Can Learn from Other Social Movements,” and “Gender Equality in the Secular Movement.”
CFI Branch Leaders Conference
June 21–23 in Amherst, NY
Organizer and presenter for CFI’s annual training event for community group leaders.
July 4–7 in Bloomington, MN
Participated in several panels.
Secular Student Alliance Annual Conference
July 12–14 in Columbus, OH
Tabled for CFI and presented on “African Americans and Secularism.”
FtBConscience online conference
July 19–21
Panel titled “Atheism is Not Enough.”
CFI Student Leadership Conference
July 25–28 in Amherst, NY
Organizer and presenter for CFI’s annual training event for student group leaders.
Philadelphia Folk Festival
August 15–18 in Schwenksville, PA
My 14th year attending and camping.
August 30–September 2 in Atlanta, GA
Panel on skepticism.
CFI Summit
October 24–27 in Tacoma, WA
Presentation on African Americans for Humanism, and support staff during the event.
Skepticon 6
November 15–17 in Springfield, MO
Presentation titled “We Are Young; Let’s Set the World on Fire.”